品牌協作力 Ohemia 的時尚旅人哲學
如果你和我一樣厭倦了走在低溫和人多的地方,喜愛欣賞街上風景隨意遊走,四出發掘新創意,新地標。CITY'S B-SIDE就可以滿足你的願望。 第二集,FFF 發現了一個為你放鬆身心的後花園,Ohemia。今次找來幕後策劃團隊兼設計師 Christina Wan 及Vivien...
CITY'S B-SIDE, Fashion designers' guide to Hong Kong
Walk a little closer to our streets and city with local fashion designers.
Fashion Farm Foundation will take you to a weekend escape from hustle and bustle, guide you to the B-side of Hong Kong. Let's discover the aesthetics of fashion, design, and art t